best group in the world, after all the others.

Improvised tense afternoon description.
(or something like this): Norm
has been, over the years, made up of about 8
When we were born, we were three. It was 1996, and me, Ago, and
Lu thought that it would be nice to transform into music our anxieties,
sadnesses, ideas, boredoms, delusions, obsessions, etc...
Suddenly Xo joined us and then, a bit by
chance a bit by coercion, many other friends began to participate:
Suca, Camillo, Fac,
Paolino, etc... sometimes with a whispered sentence in a track,
some others with true instrumental featurings.
All our earlier tracks were made in our
own houses (and you can read the 'story' behind it on
the website); almost every song was completed in summer time, in
late July sunny days, when we also played new stuff and mixed old
We can say we are a group in constant mutation, also without any
(2001), everything is a bit different, the music too and the way we
play: we close ourselves in a cheap recording studio, usually an old
abandoned factory called SILOS, then we
improvise obsessive tracks that begin on a electronic rhythm (invented
there and then) that moves with the other instruments, played by Cris
(guitar and drums), Ago (bass), Lele
(keyboards and videos) and Xo (drums).
But it's not always so: if it happens, we exchange our places, or
sometimes there's someone else with us, like Pino or MC Long, improviser
We try to have fun, to vent fury, even if we
are not able to play.
The most incredible thing is that we enjoy
listening to ourselves. The others usually don't. The cows
outside the SILOS don't like us either.